Unlocking Zenfone 5's Bootloader Without Freeze

Jumat, 18 November 2016
Hello folks!

I think i made it to unlock bootloader without any freezes.
This unlocker provides 6 different method to try.
If none of these work, there's nothing I can do more, sorry (for now...).

There's a latest beta script. I don't know it will freeze or not, go and test it.

First of all I am not responsible if it bricks your device and becomes unusable, so try if you want.

I made an automated flasher. Here's a quick explaination:
1 for my freeze patch.
2 for relock bootloader.
It will give you a better result but not the real fix.

Quick explaination:
1 for unlock bootloader
This is the LATEST testing version.
Probably it won't work. Use Automated Quick.

Latest version number: 16.05

Important Notes:
  • Thanks all the XDA Zenfone 5 Community and the friends that I've been talking about. 
  • Disable dt2w for the reboots and I recommend using the latest Resurrection Remix by @tank0412, CM is a bit old; so that might do reboots.
  • Fastboot Archive (WIP): https://drive.google.com/folderview?...&usp=drive_web
  • Ifwi Archive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6...HV5Rm0yZUd4Q1U
  • When trying a new fastboot; for the best results you should wipe cache and dalvik cache.
  • If anyone bricked the phone when doing this, check the link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/zenf...600cg-t3354645 (Credits to @swiczak )
    @kanodiatushar tested and it worked. Thanks.
  • I searched about camera bugs and when i disable one core of my cpu, camera is not launching (I normally have camera on unlocked bootloader). So, about camera: Some cpu based bug on some devices makes camera bug on custom roms. Make sure you have four of four cores active and available.
  • Please give a credit to http://ozankaraali.com when sharing if it worked as i did to other users.
  • As I said, this is experimental and may or may not be working, even maybe it can brick your device and I need feedbacks negative or positive.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

Diterjemahkan menggunakan google translate: Terima kasih atas patchnya! Ini bekerja dengan sempurna. Saya masuk 6 untuk membuka ZenFone saya dan kemudian tidak pernah terbekal lagi. Anda sekarang bisa bilang IT WORKS! Terima kasih bro.

English (If you reads): Thank you for the patch! It is working perfectly. I entered 6 to unlock my ZenFone and then it never freezed ever again. You can now say IT WORKS! Thanks bro.

delete 30 Januari 2018 pukul 05.36


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