[GUIDE] Rewrite IMEI null / 00049 Zenfone 5

Senin, 21 November 2016
No need to download any stock firmware
Baseband NULL ? look at here http://forum.xda-developers.com/zenf...600cg-t3354645
  1. Install Minimal ADB and Fastboot
  2. Download this file and extract to Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder : drive.google.com/open?id=0B1ORfBAfkonOYV9OZVJ2NWctVEU
  3. Downoad and install this Driver : drive.google.com/open?id=0B1ORfBAfkonOZGswWjUwZktWRlk
  4. Your phone must be rooted
  5. If you have NULL IMEI, execute this command first from bootloader :
    fastboot erase config
    ,and then
    fastboot erase factory
  6. Enable USB debugging on your phone
  7. Open ADB folder and SHIFT + Right Click , Open command prompt, execute this code
    adb shell "su -c setprop persist.system.at-proxy.mode 2"
    sec_provision_v1.1.0.2.exe -c%COM% -i2 %IMEI1% %IMEI2% -u3 28943447 -u1 28943447
  8. Replace %IMEI1% and %IMEI2% with your first and second IMEI , %COM% = Look at Device Manager to find the port
  9. Grant root access
  10. Code:
    adb reboot
  11. After rebot type this command
    adb shell "su -c rm /data/property/persist.system.at-proxy.mode"
  12. Code:
    adb reboot


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